
Category Browser

Convenience wrapper for event listeners.


Click me ! Open the console and change the page to see the logs


	import { handleEventListener } from '@sv-use/core';
	handleEventListener('click', () => {
Type definitions
import type { Arrayable, CleanupFunction } from '../../__internal__/types.js';
interface InferEventTarget<Events> {
    addEventListener: (event: Events, fn?: any, options?: any) => any;
    removeEventListener: (event: Events, fn?: any, options?: any) => any;
type GeneralEventListener<EventType extends Event = Event> = (evt: EventType) => void;
type HandleEventListenerOptions = AddEventListenerOptions & {
     * Whether to auto-cleanup the event listeners or not.
     * If set to `true`, it must run in the component initialization lifecycle.
     * @default true
    autoCleanup?: boolean;
export declare function handleEventListener<WindowEvent extends keyof WindowEventMap>(event: Arrayable<WindowEvent>, listener: Arrayable<(this: Window, ev: WindowEventMap[WindowEvent]) => unknown>, options?: HandleEventListenerOptions): CleanupFunction;
export declare function handleEventListener<WindowEvent extends keyof WindowEventMap>(element: Window, event: Arrayable<WindowEvent>, listener: Arrayable<(this: Window, ev: WindowEventMap[WindowEvent]) => unknown>, options?: HandleEventListenerOptions): CleanupFunction;
export declare function handleEventListener<DocumentEvent extends keyof DocumentEventMap>(element: Document, event: Arrayable<DocumentEvent>, listener: Arrayable<(this: Window, ev: DocumentEventMap[DocumentEvent]) => unknown>, options?: HandleEventListenerOptions): CleanupFunction;
export declare function handleEventListener<CustomElement extends HTMLElement, ElementEvent extends keyof HTMLElementEventMap>(element: CustomElement, event: Arrayable<ElementEvent>, listener: Arrayable<(this: CustomElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[ElementEvent]) => unknown>, options?: HandleEventListenerOptions): CleanupFunction;
export declare function handleEventListener<Name extends string, EventType extends Event = Event>(element: InferEventTarget<Name>, event: Arrayable<Name>, listener: Arrayable<GeneralEventListener<EventType>>, options?: HandleEventListenerOptions): CleanupFunction;
export declare function handleEventListener<EventType extends Event = Event>(element: EventTarget, event: Arrayable<string>, listener: Arrayable<GeneralEventListener<EventType>>, options?: HandleEventListenerOptions): CleanupFunction;
export {};
