Category Browser
Provides write (and optionally read) access to the text clipboard.
Your browser doesn't support the Clipboard API...
Set options.legacyCopy: true
to keep the ability to copy if the Clipboard API is not available. It will handle copy with document.execCommand as the fallback.
Type definitions
import type { CleanupFunction } from '../../__internal__/types.js';
type GetClipboardOptions<AllowRead extends boolean> = {
* Whether to automatically clean up the event listeners or not.
* @note If set to `true`, you must call `getClipboardText` in the component initialization lifecycle.
* @default true
autoCleanup?: boolean;
* Whether to allow reading from the clipboard.
* @default false
allowRead?: AllowRead;
* How long before {@link GetClipboardReturn.isCopied | `GetClipboardReturn.isCopied`} is set to `false`.
* @default 2000
copyDuration?: number;
* Whether to fallback to the legacy `document.execCommand('copy')` for copying if the Clipboard API is not supported or not.
* @default false
legacyCopy?: boolean;
type GetClipboardReturn = {
readonly isSupported: boolean;
readonly isCopied: boolean;
/** The text currently in the clipboard. */
readonly text: string;
/** Copies text to the clipboard. */
copyText: (value: string) => void;
/** Cleans up the event listeners. */
cleanup: CleanupFunction;
* Provides write (and optionally read) access to the text clipboard.
* @param options Additional options to customize the behavior.
* @see
export declare function getClipboardText<AllowRead extends boolean = false>(options?: GetClipboardOptions<AllowRead>): GetClipboardReturn;
export {};